Chi Siamo - Casim Consulting

La nostra azienda di consulenza ha operatori tecnici e ingegneri nella sede in Cina e localizzati anche in Tailandia e Vietnam. Abbiamo il supporto di tecnici specializzati in Sud corea e Giappone. Possiamo viaggiare a costi contentenuti in tutta l'Asia.



Esperienza internazionale

Team esperto

La Nostra Sede

La nostra agenzia si trova a Shanghai, Cina, e supporta aziende in Cina, Tailandia, Vietnam, Malesia, Indonesia, Corea e Giappone.


Shanghai, China, 66 Miaojing Road


Lun-Ven 9-20

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Servizio eccellente, supporto professionale e competenza nelle operazioni in Asia. Consiglio vivamente questa agenzia.

Marco Rossi

A person is working in an industrial setting, wearing a blue shirt with orange lettering on the back. There are multiple pipes and tubes connected to machinery. The room features industrial equipment like control panels with digital displays and a yellow caution sign. The walls are lined and there's a window draped with fabric.
A person is working in an industrial setting, wearing a blue shirt with orange lettering on the back. There are multiple pipes and tubes connected to machinery. The room features industrial equipment like control panels with digital displays and a yellow caution sign. The walls are lined and there's a window draped with fabric.

Un team di esperti che ha facilitato la nostra espansione in Asia. Altamente raccomandati per le aziende.

Laura Bianchi

A wide-angle view of an industrial area with several large factory buildings and roads surrounded by greenery. In the distance, a city skyline with high-rise buildings beneath a partly cloudy blue sky. The scene combines both urban and natural elements.
A wide-angle view of an industrial area with several large factory buildings and roads surrounded by greenery. In the distance, a city skyline with high-rise buildings beneath a partly cloudy blue sky. The scene combines both urban and natural elements.